Our Museum:

*is housed in the restored 1918 BNZ building on Main Street

*researches the history of Otaki and the surrounding district

*collects objects, stories, and images of interest

* has an extensive photographic collection and many early copies of the town's newspaper, the Otaki Mail

* holds archival material relating to the town, including records from Otaki School and the Otaki Borough Council

* records and collects oral history interviews

* tells Otaki's stories through a changing exhibition programme

* is digitising its collections.

Monday, October 19, 2009


As part our summer exhibition, Otaki Museum is running an exciting competition aimed at capturing the spirit of our place. We are looking for photographs that create a snap shot of Otaki life in 2009.

The goal of this competition is for the Otaki Museum to build a collection of contemporary photographs. The photographs will become a community record, capturing today for tomorrow’s history

The challenge is to try and convey a feeling of what Otaki means, as well as what it looks like. Ask yourself, ‘What is it that makes the place where I live special?’’

All entries will be displayed at the Museum for the duration of the summer exhibition. The “People’s Choice” winner will be announced on Saturday 27 February 2010 at 2pm at the Otaki Museum.

Entry Forms are available at the Museum
